Wall Art
Posted by
Rhonda O'Brien
on Saturday, December 31, 2011
Artwork is expensive and even though you pay the price you don't always get exactly what you want so I decided to use my resources and make my own wall art.
Store-bought greeting cards
A borrowed projector
Wall paint
Scrapbooking paper
Mod Podge
1. Paint the background color of the canvas.
2. Scan the image of the greeting cards.
3. Use the projector to project the scanned image of the cards onto the pre-painted canvas.
4. Trace the projected image of the card onto the canvas. I used a pencil to trace the image of the card.
5. Fill in the image with paint.
6. Choose a complimentary scrapbook paper image. I used paper with modern flowers and cut out the flowers.
7. Arrange the flowers on the painted canvas.
8. Attach the scrapbook images with Mod Podge.
Viola...cheap, customized artwork!
Store-bought greeting cards
A borrowed projector
Wall paint
Scrapbooking paper
Mod Podge
1. Paint the background color of the canvas.
2. Scan the image of the greeting cards.
3. Use the projector to project the scanned image of the cards onto the pre-painted canvas.
4. Trace the projected image of the card onto the canvas. I used a pencil to trace the image of the card.
5. Fill in the image with paint.
6. Choose a complimentary scrapbook paper image. I used paper with modern flowers and cut out the flowers.
7. Arrange the flowers on the painted canvas.
8. Attach the scrapbook images with Mod Podge.
Viola...cheap, customized artwork!

Drawers Turned Into Artwork
Posted by
Rhonda O'Brien
I love Pinterest and all of the inspiration that it provides. I got this idea of creating wall art with drawers, cardboard (to wrap the fabric around) and fabric.
Thanks so much for the inspiration Pinterest:
Thanks so much for the inspiration Pinterest:
Looking For a Number?
Posted by
Rhonda O'Brien

I keep listening and I keep getting in situations that are hard, really hard, back breakingly hard. I want to listen, I know better than not to listen, but I keep going into difficult situations with reticence and keep coming up hurt.
So guys, guides, angels...here's the thing...I don't want to do this anymore. Can we have some grace, some ease, something wonderful...please?
I don't ask for much...I just don't want all the hurt. I have started to shut down, not listen, because I don't know what to trust and I don't want to hurt.
I thought for so long that the one thing that I could trust was my voice, my inner knowing. I got courageous...did a few things...that were hard, that I tested out, that I followed through with...that as you are hearing...didn't really work out.
My best defense was to stop listening...at least for awhile...like a rebellious teen that knew that mom and dad knew best but wasn't really willing to listen...just for awhile.
Well mom and dad are still trying to get my attention and I must say that I am glad that they are not totally abandoning me. I am glad that guides do not give up, they persist, they are resourceful in their own ways and scream and yell until we listen...again or once or twice or always.
I know that they are always at our disposal waiting to serve in whatever means possible and I am grateful for that. :)
And I am particularly grateful for the messages that have come through in the form of numerology.
222 - when I was wondering about getting back together with an ex and reaching out to the universe for a sign this number popped out of the clock on my desk phone. I felt like, in combination with the other signs that I had received that this was a good sign to move forward.
According to Doreen Virtue 222 means "Have faith. Everything’s going to be all right. Don’t worry about anything, as this situation is resolving itself beautifully for everyone involved."
444 - yesterday this number popped out on my iPhone. At this moment I can see that the angels are surrounding me and letting me know that I am not alone and I am grateful for this message.
According to Doreen Virtue 444 means "Thousands of angels surround you at this moment, loving and supporting you. You have a very strong and clear connection with the angelic realm, and are an Earth angel yourself. You have nothing to fear—all is well."
1111 - I quickly glanced at my clock and this number appeared yesterday. Again, I am grateful for the message that I am not alone and am being supported. Thank you for not abandoning me.
According to my guidance 1111 means that we are on the right path and divinely guided. All is well. No need to worry.
I know enough to know that we are not alone and in these moments where I question (everything) I am glad to know that I still have friends and guides and companions.
It is further proof that our guides go out of their way to scream, shout and constantly remind us (even when we are diligently trying not to listen) that we are not alone and are unconditionally loved and supported.
I am grateful for your presence and someday I might have greater understanding of all the wisdom that you have provided for me and I might possibly be grateful for all of the advice that you have given me even though your navigational skills have put me on some pretty rocky roads.:)
ps. After I wrote this post I had the feeling that I needed to turn to a page in In His Words (a book that I channeled from a 23-year old who had crossed over. It's a story about not giving up on life and life after death from a 23-year old guy's perspective...on the other side). I just wanted to share the entry that I turned to. It was a timely message:) and once again I am grateful.
"By the end of my more earthbound moments I was able to create mystical events that defied reason. On one such occasion, I created a whirlwind of commotion in the bounds of Rhonda's workplace. I knocked out a ceiling tile that was held in place by a simple lock although it was difficult to fool. What I did was I became physical in that one single moment. It was not something that I intended to do, I just wanted her to know that I was still around her even though she was not always aware of that." (p 29)