Gratitude Meditation

My focus for this month is on gratitude as we approach two holidays of gratitude, giving and family. The first is Thanksgiving, of course. Take yourself back to the first American Thanksgiving meal. Half of the original New England population died in the winter of 1620. Following this tragedy the pilgrims forged a relationship with the Wampanoag tribe who taught them to fish, plant and hunt. By the autumn of 1621 the community had gathered enough food to get them through the winter. In celebration of their bounty they invited the Wampanoag tribe to feast with them for three days.

How would you feel at that moment as you sat down at the table with your bounty surrounded by friends, family and neighbors who were resonating at that same degree of gratitude? Imagine the magnitude of that first “thanks giving.” (I get chills when I think about it).

Now take yourself back to a moment that you might have had that same level of gratitude. It might have been that moment that you realized that your love relationship was “love,” the moment that your lost puppy was found, or it may have been that moment that you reached a major landmark in your own life.

Feel that gratitude as you inhale and as you exhale exaggerate that feeling of gratitude as far as you can. Imagine it expanding out of your body and beyond. Now inhale that gratitude and exhale the gratitude exaggerating the level of gratitude beyond your body and beyond. Now one more time.

Feel your gratitude. Now inhale that gratitude and imagine exhaling it into a bubble. Inhale that gratitude and exhale it into the bubble two more times. Now send that bubble to someone, something or to some situation.

You can do this as many times as you like; feel free to extend the gratitude bubble to as many people/things/situations as you like.

Remember you are love.

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda O'Brien. All Rights Reserved.


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