Is It A Sign?

Here I am up at 4 am with a lot on my mind. Without divulging the details of my life let me summarize and say that I probably have a situation, at hand, that I will not know exactly how to react to whatever occurs and some decision making might be involved.

In situations like these I battle between my rational, thinking mind and my intuition. I know enough to pay attention to my “gut,” but then there is the complication of making sure that your desires do not get in the way of your intuition. It is so difficult being psychic sometimes ;).

So I have decided to navigate my way through this situation as follows: I have gotten my intuitive nudge so I am going to ask the universe to tell me if my intuition is right by asking for signs and then I will act accordingly.

The next step is then to listen closely to the world around me and wait patiently for those signs. I have created a short list of what can possibly be construed as a sign. Let me point out two things that might help you in determining what a sign is. Number one: sometimes we expect the signs to be quarters that appear underneath our feet when signs can sometimes be pennies under bushes. In other words, signs are sometimes subtle hints from the universe not loud, screaming and obvious announcements (like we want them to be). Number two: if you think it is a sign it probably is. Believe or not, our spirit guides are constantly trying to communicate with us.

Here is a list of some of the few signs to look for (NOTE: this is not a comprehensive list; please feel free to contribute to my list).
1. If two people tell you the same thing…listen. A lot of times you will hear the exact same phrase repeated over and over again.
2. Do words pop out to you from: license plates, signs on the road, on the internet, emails, etc. If these words have particular meaning to you then they are probably signs.
3. Songs that play in your head: listen and write them down. Often times the lyrics speak directly to your life and/or life situation(s).
4. Look to the clouds and watch for what shapes form out of the clouds. The Hawaiians always looked to the clouds for signs. This works time and time again if you are patient and don’t try to force it.5. Synchronicities occur; for instance:
· You meet a person from a certain place that you are considering moving to and they tell you how great it is.
· You meet someone studying the particular discipline that you were considering studying and they give you positive feedback.
· You run into the same person time and time again.

***The key is to ask the universe for answers and then be willing to see the answers. Look everywhere for the answers, pay attention, listen and act on the response(s) that you are given.

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda O'Brien. All Rights Reserved.


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