A Psychic's Light Orb Experience

The difficult periods of a certain part of my life have grown bigger and bigger like a weed patch overtaking a beautiful garden, my life. I have stuck with the difficult situation, complacent with the fact that the economy is bad and is barely showing signs of improvement.

The temperament of a certain individual in my life changes like the direction of the Colorado wind and so unless I hitch my complacency to some fixed point (not related to the people in my life) my mood vacillates just as much as the moods of people around me.

Yesterday my anxiety started to rise in response to one of his moods as I was wondering if I could handle the wrath of this moodiness and the resulting constant sense unease and then a sweet, light ball of energy or orb appeared to the right of my head and said, “don’t worry we will protect you.”

That was exactly what I needed to hear at the moment. I have constant interactions with my spirit guides yet their messages did not have the same affect on me as this simply stated vote of support.

I cannot explain why this event had such an impact on me. Sure I know that my spirit guides are always there to guide me and they protect me by warning me, giving me great advice and helping me make the most of my life. However, what I wanted in this particular case was that sense that I was protected.

I have read some articles on orbs and some authors talk about them being like spirit guides. I would agree, but I think that they are something more. This orb did not feel like any spirit guide that I have encountered. When it entered my energy field I felt instantly at calm, a sense peace.

I don’t get the sense that the energy in the orb that talked to me was exclusively from Earth. In fact, I sense that this light orb was from a light source and came from “the light.”

I am so grateful for its presence in my life. I hope that there will be more, future interaction.

NOTE: I took a break from writing and went for a walk reflecting on what I wrote. Instantly three of these light orbs surrounded me and told me something to the effect that they will help me to see and share the light in even the darkest of situations. I was instantly calmed and I look forward to further interactions with these light orbs especially in these times of great unease.

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda O'Brien. All Rights Reserved.


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