We Are God

Chapter taken from Light, channeled by Rhonda O'Brien.

There is no difference between us and those beings that we revere highly. We are those gods and goddesses and beings of omnipotent power.

The problem lies not in ridding ourselves of those habits, behaviors, thoughts and feelings that differentiate us from the great. Rather, the problem lies in seeing that we are this world, the universe that surrounds and awes and inspires us. We are that world, we are its equals, we are as immense and wonderful and beautiful as it all and we cannot stop being that unless we chose, or inadvertently chose, to do so. And we are choosing each and every day to do just that. We choose to be less than all of the perfection that we see outside of ourselves and we choose so through the way that we think, act, see, perceive, interpret, experience and are in this universe.

We start to think that we are inferior from about the day that we are born, not that we do so by our own choosing, but because that is the way that our parents and those that surround us feel. We feel that we are inferior and less than perfect because those that preceded us have thought this way because those that preceded them thought that way because those that preceded them thought that way and so on and so forth.

We think that we are less than perfect because that is the way that we, as a whole, have thought about human beings for a very long time. It is almost as though we have all inherited this belief and no one has really de-mystified this myth since its original induction into the conscious and unconscious minds of human beings. We are all victim to this one ludicrous mind or idea that plagued one, maybe few individuals and eventually crept into the hearts and minds of all.

It is time that this myth ends. It is time for us to all rejoice in our own perfection and know that this is one thing that we cannot change about ourselves no matter how hard we try. We are perfect and everything that we say, do, feel and think is a direct reflection of this innate perfection.

The only thing that prevents us from shining is our belief that we are not perfect. Unfortunately, this is something that we all must battle at some point or another. We must all stand up and proclaim our perfection, our greatness, claim what is innately ours even though the rhythm and flow of life would lead us to believe otherwise. It is not that there are a few individuals that have run askew and destroyed our rain forests, ozone layers, oceans, water reserves, land, crops, and overall environment. No, for the most part, we have all contributed, consciously or unconsciously, to the destruction of our life force called Earth. Not that we have all actively contributed, but we have all tolerated pollution, exploitation and over-use of Earth for years and years and years. Now it is coming to a point of crisis. We all must stand up and out and fight against the crimes that we contribute to on a daily basis. We contribute by not recycling, by buying into companies that don’t cooperate and recycle and abuse the natural resources and by tolerating politicians who are more concerned about being reelected to office than the pressing matters of the environment.

The point is not to lay blame: we are all responsible. The point is to draw your attention to an increasingly pressing matter. Our environment is in very bad shape. If we continue as we have up to this date, we will not be able to support our daily water and nutritional needs, not to mention that many of us will not be able to get enough fuel to start a fire to cook one’s daily meals. It will be bad, (there is no denying) if we do not do something and soon. Believe me, I wish that these words were not true. I wish that what I was saying was some sort of myth that the radical, leftist groups have supposedly been making up for years upon years. This is no lie. Action must be taken soon to reverse years upon years of neglect, misunderstanding and abuse.

We are all responsible for our lives. We are by no means victims of ANYTHING. We are all constantly creating our own reality. We might see things in this way because it is much easier for us to see it the way that we do. The fact of the matter is that we would feel pretty stupid if we admitted that we had to enter a really troublesome relationship in order to learn to respect ourselves a bit more. The fact of the matter is that we would feel stupid if we admitted that we throw all of our money down the drain so that we might learn a bit of humility.

The fact of the matter is that the whole lesson is the point of every single experience, no matter how stupid or ridiculous or violent or what. The point is that we are here on Earth to learn and sometimes we have to learn things the hard way, but that is fine. Because regardless of how we all do manage to learn.

So the next time that you want to go, run and point the finger at this person, or company or incident, consider what it is that you have to gain from this experience. Learn the lesson and learn it well so that you don’t have to go through another troubling experience to learn it all over again. We are here to learn and learn we must: for some it is the easy way, but for most it is the hard way. That is okay as long as we learn.

Coming back to my main point the only thing stopping you from being better, from overcoming any and all obstacles is you. Blaming others does nothing to propel you forward. Start today. Start making an example, through your life, of how all beings are direct reflections of the God/Goddesses within. Try it...you will not believe the difference that it makes in your day-to-day existence.

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda O'Brien. All Rights Reserved.


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