Deeper Understanding Meditation

Have you ever had a challenging situation that you want to understand from a deeper, more spiritual level? I believe that we are all spirit beings having a physical experience. With that in mind I also believe that all we are here to learn and that some of the most challenging people/situations are actually great learning experiences.

What This Meditation Does
Deep breathing gets you into a meditative state which allows you to see your situation from a detached perspective where you are better able to access the “spiritual lesson” beneath the current challenge.

How to Do the Meditation
Sit in a comfortable position and follow these instructions. Make sure that you have a writing utensil and a notebook nearby so that you may record your observations.
1. Bring your attention to your solar plexus (or right beneath your belly button).
2. Take 10 d-e-e-p, slow breaths, focusing on the inhale and the exhale.
3. Now bring your attention to a situation that you do not understand, that you would like to have deeper insight as to why things are occurring the way that they are in this particular situation.
4. Put this person, situation, thing inside a bubble.
5. Now fill this bubble with a bright, bright light.
6. Keep filling the bubble with as much light as you possibly can. Think of no limits to how bright this situation can be.
7. Now expand the light as far out in space as you possibly can. Again think of no limitations of how far out this situation can expand.
8. Ask “what is the reason behind this situation?” until you sense an emptiness. Listen and pay close attention to what thoughts, feelings and/or emotions release themselves.
9. Ask if there is any additional insight that you can receive in regard to the particular person and/or situation.
10. Fill this bubble with more light and send the bubble to the person, situation and/or thing.
11. Surround yourself with a light bubble and expand this light as far as you can beyond your aura and beyond.
12. Write down what information you do receive and review it later. It might take some time and distance to fully comprehend the situation from this elevated perspective.
13. Thank your guides for the information.

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda O'Brien. All Rights Reserved.

Light Orbs as Psychic Protection

I was having trouble removing cords from someone that I had been romantically involved with. He kept putting them in my 4th and 2nd chakras, quickly replacing the cords that I had just removed. I was getting impatient with this process feeling as though I had no defense. (As a side note I know that I can be stronger about keeping out cords but with particular individual I have a harder time. Perhaps because a part of me wants to be connected no matter how we are connected and whether or not how we are connected is good for me or not).

I thought about putting the Light Orbs in front of these chakras and I have not had the same difficulty since. I still do get corded from time to time by this individual and have to make a conscious effort to remove the cords. I also have to focus on putting the Light Orbs in front of these chakras from time to time, but the struggle has lessened.

I don’t intend to give a lesson on cords. I do want to just relay some of my observations on what being heavily corded by an individual does to you and then convey how much better I feel when not corded.

I am a bit ashamed to admit that I know about cords and the importance of pulling out cords but I failed to remove my cords on a regular basis. It does take a daily and sometimes hourly effort to be free.

I do have to admit that being corded made me feel a bit crazy and as though I could not control my thoughts specifically about the individual that was cording me. I feel much more in control and less crazy paying more attention and diligently pulling the cords and actively putting my defenses up, Light Orbs. Yay! Thank you once again Light Orbs for your help.


. . . Something To Think About. . .

Washington, DC Metro Station on a cold January morning in 2007. The man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time approx. 2 thousand people went through the station, most of them on their way to work. After 3 minutes a middle aged man noticed there was a musician playing. He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds and then hurried to meet his schedule.

4 minutes later:

The violinist received his first dollar: a woman threw the money in the hat and, without stopping, continued to walk.

6 minutes:

A young man leaned against the wall to listen to him, then looked at his watch and started to walk again.

10 minutes:

A 3-year old boy stopped but his mother tugged him along hurriedly. The kid stopped to look at the violinist again, but the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. Every parent, without exception, forced their children to move on quickly.

45 minutes:

The musician played continuously. Only 6 people stopped and listened for a short while. About 20 gave money but continued to walk at their normal pace. The man collected a total of $32.

1 hour:

He finished playing and silence took over. No one noticed. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.

No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the greatest musicians in the world. He played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, with a violin worth $3.5 million dollars. Two days before Joshua Bell sold out a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100.

This is a true story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste and people's priorities.

The questions raised:

*In a common place environment at an inappropriate hour, do we perceive beauty?

*Do we stop to appreciate it?

*Do we recognize talent in an unexpected context?

One possible conclusion reached from this experiment could be this:

If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world, playing some of the finest music ever written, with one of the most beautiful instruments ever made.

How many other things are we missing?

Why are Light Orbs here on Earth?

The following information was channeled by Rhonda O'Brien

The Light Orbs have taken it upon themselves, in many cases, to guide and to protect. Light Orbs are constantly in people’s aura and energy field.

There are many ways to tap into Light Orb's guidance:

1. Notice/acknowledge that we are here.

2. Try to use us as a muse. Try to get guidance from us. You may hear, smell, taste, experience in some way that we are around you. Use all of your senses, not just the five.

3. Ask us a question and expect an answer.

4. Know that we have information available to you.

5. We are here to protect as well so if you are like Rhonda and need particular guidance/assistance/protection we will protect you as well. The darkness does not like the light (we are light) and so the darkness stays away.

6. Some people have fun taking pictures of us to show to friends and others. That is fun for us too. It seems that people are delighted to find that they are not alone on this Earth plane. We are having fun here helping and assisting in all ways. We like to play and have fun!

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda O'Brien. All Rights Reserved.

Shedding Light on the Environment: Live Simply. Light Orb Conversations Cont.

Light Orb Conversations Continued...I feel that there is some shedding of the "Light" that is coming from my interaction with these Light Orbs that have now been traveling in my aura for the last four days. I thought that I would share what delightful information they have given me. Enjoy:

What are the lessons that humans are having to learn at this juncture in time?

That we all share a commonality: we are all one. The environment is a playing ground for that message to come through loud and clear. You truly do share the earth, its air and its water. The suffering of one is truly the suffering of all.

What measures need to be taken to make this earth a purer, safer place to live?

Simply we need to live as simply as possible, creating as little waste as possible. Recycle, compost, create your own garden, fill the woods with trees, fill the lands with trees. Add, do not take away from the natural environment. Learning as much as you can about living simply, living “off-grid,” leaving the smallest carbon footprint and spreading the word as far as you can, especially teaching the children is a grand idea.

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda O'Brien. All Rights Reserved.

Light Orb Conversations

I was told to channel the following information (from my light orbs) and share this information on my blog. Please enjoy.

Why are you here?

To let people transition to the light.

Where do you come from?

Various vibrations of the light. It is not soooo important to know where we came, rather it is MOST important to realize that we have an ability to be “light carriers.” That is what many of you came here to do, to do the work in order to move into this higher frequency (or light/lightness of being).

Why did you come to me and what messages do you have for me to carry?

You are a “light worker” and we are going to help you to be the messenger of light/lightness that you came here to be. It is especially important to be a carrier of light when you are being challenged like you are right now.

You are learning that the old ways of behaving (fear) are no longer working and you are working at be the light given any and all situations and we are here to help you do so. You will do it and make this an example for the rest of the world to see.

That is all for now. Your light orbs have grown to encompass the entirety of your being. Show people in the next couple of days how to activate their “lightness,” “lightbeingness,” and cellular memory of being the light through the teachings that we will be feeding you on a daily basis. AMEN.

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda O'Brien. All Rights Reserved.

A Psychic's Light Orb Experience

The difficult periods of a certain part of my life have grown bigger and bigger like a weed patch overtaking a beautiful garden, my life. I have stuck with the difficult situation, complacent with the fact that the economy is bad and is barely showing signs of improvement.

The temperament of a certain individual in my life changes like the direction of the Colorado wind and so unless I hitch my complacency to some fixed point (not related to the people in my life) my mood vacillates just as much as the moods of people around me.

Yesterday my anxiety started to rise in response to one of his moods as I was wondering if I could handle the wrath of this moodiness and the resulting constant sense unease and then a sweet, light ball of energy or orb appeared to the right of my head and said, “don’t worry we will protect you.”

That was exactly what I needed to hear at the moment. I have constant interactions with my spirit guides yet their messages did not have the same affect on me as this simply stated vote of support.

I cannot explain why this event had such an impact on me. Sure I know that my spirit guides are always there to guide me and they protect me by warning me, giving me great advice and helping me make the most of my life. However, what I wanted in this particular case was that sense that I was protected.

I have read some articles on orbs and some authors talk about them being like spirit guides. I would agree, but I think that they are something more. This orb did not feel like any spirit guide that I have encountered. When it entered my energy field I felt instantly at calm, a sense peace.

I don’t get the sense that the energy in the orb that talked to me was exclusively from Earth. In fact, I sense that this light orb was from a light source and came from “the light.”

I am so grateful for its presence in my life. I hope that there will be more, future interaction.

NOTE: I took a break from writing and went for a walk reflecting on what I wrote. Instantly three of these light orbs surrounded me and told me something to the effect that they will help me to see and share the light in even the darkest of situations. I was instantly calmed and I look forward to further interactions with these light orbs especially in these times of great unease.

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda O'Brien. All Rights Reserved.

Love Meditation

I received this meditation in response to my question as to why I don’t have more love in my life. My take on this response is that in order to have love in your life you must be love, more loving, give more love and respond with love as often as possible.

Take five deep breaths counting to three on both the inhale and exhale.
Pay attention to the spot in between your eyebrows (or your “third eye”).

Now focus on a spot in front of you that becomes this vast open space or void. I saw it as a single spot in front of me with nothing but space surrounding me.

Move your consciousness/attentiong to the vast, open void in front of you.

Take three d-e-e-p breaths.

Focus on your heart. Now focus on sending love from your heart center out into the universe. Make sure that you are putting a lot of energy into this love that you are sending out.

Notice that this love rebounds and comes back to you.

Focus on your heart again and send out as much love to the universe as you can. You can say “love” as you are doing this.

Notice as the love comes rebounding back to you.

Continue to send out as much love as you can. Then notice as the love comes back to you.

Continue to do this until your feel your energy rising; you might start vibrating with this increase in energy or just feeling more alive and or awake. There is no limit to how long you can focus on this love; just make sure that you notice that your energy field is rising.

Now focus on your heart and all of that love inside this area of your body.

Bring that love from your heart, down your stomach, lower back and your legs all the way down to your toes. Let the energy touch the ground.

Then bring that love back up your toes, through your legs, thighs, stomach, chest, shoulders, down each arm and then back up through your shoulders, neck, face and out the top of your head.

Let the energy shoot out the top of your head and then send the energy back down your head, your neck, shoulders and center, again, on your heart.

Now ask from a higher point of knowledge if there is anything that you can do, in this moment to send more love out into the world. Write down any information that you receive. It is also best to act, immediately, on any information that you do receive.

Remember that psychic information comes from your heart. If you are trying to grow your intuition doing this meditation on a weekly basis will help.

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda O'Brien. All Rights Reserved.