Love Meditation

I received this meditation in response to my question as to why I don’t have more love in my life. My take on this response is that in order to have love in your life you must be love, more loving, give more love and respond with love as often as possible.

Take five deep breaths counting to three on both the inhale and exhale.
Pay attention to the spot in between your eyebrows (or your “third eye”).

Now focus on a spot in front of you that becomes this vast open space or void. I saw it as a single spot in front of me with nothing but space surrounding me.

Move your consciousness/attentiong to the vast, open void in front of you.

Take three d-e-e-p breaths.

Focus on your heart. Now focus on sending love from your heart center out into the universe. Make sure that you are putting a lot of energy into this love that you are sending out.

Notice that this love rebounds and comes back to you.

Focus on your heart again and send out as much love to the universe as you can. You can say “love” as you are doing this.

Notice as the love comes rebounding back to you.

Continue to send out as much love as you can. Then notice as the love comes back to you.

Continue to do this until your feel your energy rising; you might start vibrating with this increase in energy or just feeling more alive and or awake. There is no limit to how long you can focus on this love; just make sure that you notice that your energy field is rising.

Now focus on your heart and all of that love inside this area of your body.

Bring that love from your heart, down your stomach, lower back and your legs all the way down to your toes. Let the energy touch the ground.

Then bring that love back up your toes, through your legs, thighs, stomach, chest, shoulders, down each arm and then back up through your shoulders, neck, face and out the top of your head.

Let the energy shoot out the top of your head and then send the energy back down your head, your neck, shoulders and center, again, on your heart.

Now ask from a higher point of knowledge if there is anything that you can do, in this moment to send more love out into the world. Write down any information that you receive. It is also best to act, immediately, on any information that you do receive.

Remember that psychic information comes from your heart. If you are trying to grow your intuition doing this meditation on a weekly basis will help.

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda O'Brien. All Rights Reserved.


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