No, You're Not Crazy; You're Psychic

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." Martin Luther King Jr.

My journey as a psychic began with much fear and paranoia. In retrospect, I can see that I have been intuitive all of my life however, my journey to discovering this began at the age of 21 when I got really sick and couldn’t really eat for a month. People talk about the “cleansing” affects of fasting; I think that my non-voluntary fast opened me up a little too quickly for my comfort level.

I remember feeling as though I had walked through a vortex and that my life experience(s) had forever changed. I was instantly aware that there were spirits around me and I could see their energy in a way that I could not describe to others, but I could see that they were around me (it is much like an energy pattern).

I started to meditate and had visions of all sorts. The most profound vision that I had was of an eagle eating my heart out. This experience was so real: I actually felt the eagle sweep down out of the sky and felt the physical pain of having my heart eaten out by an eagle. Yeah…I was a little bit freaked out about this experience.

My fear was exacerbated by the fact that I saw my psychologist write the word “delusional” as I was pouring my heart out to him about my recent experiences. From this point forward I was truly convinced that I was crazy and was often times paralyzed with this fear as I would lay in the fetal position in my bed terrified of being carried away in a straight jacket.

To deal with my fear I started smoking pot 24/7. In my mind it was easier to justify my “craziness” as being “high” rather than be crazy.

Luckily fate intervened and I realized with the help of some amazing teachers that my “delusions” were actually part of being psychic, a gift; not some demoralizing sentence to the madhouse. And then there was...
The moment that I realized that I was psychic I started my mission to help people realize that their visions/experiences were gifts not an assured sentence to the “nuthouse.”

I have remained relatively quiet about my mission up to this point in time. I try to educate as many people as possible about ornery spirits and how to protect themselves from their “trickery.”

I have decided, though, that being a quiet, though diligent messenger is not enough after meeting/doing a reading for a woman whose doctors and herself are convinced that she is crazy because she talks to spirits.

When she asked me about the voices and what they told her all that I could hear was that she wasn’t crazy and that she just didn’t know some basic steps to protect her from the menacing spirits.

I told her that she had a spirit guide that was there to protect her and that she was only to speak to this one guardian spirit. If the other, menacing spirits wanted to talk to her I told her that they were to talk to her guardian angel, not her.

I also told her to protect herself with “white light” as the darker spirits are afraid of the light.

Seeing her pain, seeing how lost she was made me want to reach deeper into hers and other worlds of pain and show people that there are simple tools accessible to all that can and do protect one from the suffering caused by these ornery spirits.

You see, the spirit world, just like this world is filled with confused beings who like to play and mess with us. They are no different than the confused beings that fill the jails and create chaos in our day-to-day lives.

Please continue visiting my blog for a few, simple, straight forward tools that can help you safely navigate through the spirit world without fear.


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