Psychic Protection Hint #3: Grounding Your Energy
Posted by
Rhonda O'Brien
on Saturday, May 22, 2010
Psychic Protection
Grounding is very important for many reasons. One of the most important reasons for being grounded is so that you are fully aware, present and making the most of this life experience. Life is a gift; it is important to "be here" to enjoy ever single moment of it.
If we are ungrounded some of our experiences tend to be "out there" and it is hard for us to relate or have people relate to us. While being "out there" is enticing and wonderful we do have these precious, few moments here on Earth and we benefit by making the most of this life experience, in these bodies, here on Earth.
The following is an grounding exercise taken from His Words, channeled by Rhonda O'Brien. Breath is a very easy tool to use to get you into a relaxed state. If you imagine that the breath that you inhale and exhale travels through your body and reaches every particle of your body you are already there. So what I suggest is that you take a deep inhale; make it last as long as you comfortably can.
As you inhale imagine a single molecule of that breath, it can be a bright light, a speck or any sort of shape and form that you can easily and effortlessly imagine, going from your lips and following your trachea and going through your shoulders, down your upper arms and down your lower arms and out through your fingertips. You should then imagine following the same path as you exhale.
With the next inhale you are going to follow that molecule and make it to your neck, your shoulders, your upper chest, your heart, your lungs, your chest, your abdomen, all of your upper and lower intestines and then your reproductive organs.
The more visual you become the easier it is for you to breathe and to relax. You do not need to get too, too technical here. If you don’t know exactly where your ovaries are it is fine. The visualization part is what matters most here. Then you want to imagine that molecule traveling the same path as you exhale and release that breath.
Good job, now we are going to inhale and this time the molecule will rapidly meet your thighs and then travel all the way down to your tippy toes and then right back up. While you are doing this I want you to start thinking of the world, the universe outside of yourself and I want you to be aware of the fact that you are infinitely connected with the rest of the universe outside of yourself. This can just extend to your family and friends or it can expand to the outer universe as far as the eye can see and beyond.
So with your next inhale I am going to have you take that molecule of breath, allow it to flow through your body, down to your toes and then down to the Earth. Depending on how deep your breath is it can reach the topsoil or even as far down as the mantle of the Earth.
Now the challenge is in your next breath you are going to inhale so much oxygen that you can reach the very center of the Earth. So as you are exhaling you are preparing for the gigantic inhale that you are about to take. With one, single breath you are going to pull that single molecule through your trunk of your body, down your legs, out your toes and to the central part of the Earth. Once you are at central part of the Earth you are going to sense, feel or just know that you are connected to the very core of our Mother Earth and then with your exhale you are going to follow that same path through the mantle, crust and up your toes, through your legs and on up your spine through your midriff, your chest, your neck and out through your lips.
If we are ungrounded some of our experiences tend to be "out there" and it is hard for us to relate or have people relate to us. While being "out there" is enticing and wonderful we do have these precious, few moments here on Earth and we benefit by making the most of this life experience, in these bodies, here on Earth.
The following is an grounding exercise taken from His Words, channeled by Rhonda O'Brien. Breath is a very easy tool to use to get you into a relaxed state. If you imagine that the breath that you inhale and exhale travels through your body and reaches every particle of your body you are already there. So what I suggest is that you take a deep inhale; make it last as long as you comfortably can.
As you inhale imagine a single molecule of that breath, it can be a bright light, a speck or any sort of shape and form that you can easily and effortlessly imagine, going from your lips and following your trachea and going through your shoulders, down your upper arms and down your lower arms and out through your fingertips. You should then imagine following the same path as you exhale.
With the next inhale you are going to follow that molecule and make it to your neck, your shoulders, your upper chest, your heart, your lungs, your chest, your abdomen, all of your upper and lower intestines and then your reproductive organs.
The more visual you become the easier it is for you to breathe and to relax. You do not need to get too, too technical here. If you don’t know exactly where your ovaries are it is fine. The visualization part is what matters most here. Then you want to imagine that molecule traveling the same path as you exhale and release that breath.
Good job, now we are going to inhale and this time the molecule will rapidly meet your thighs and then travel all the way down to your tippy toes and then right back up. While you are doing this I want you to start thinking of the world, the universe outside of yourself and I want you to be aware of the fact that you are infinitely connected with the rest of the universe outside of yourself. This can just extend to your family and friends or it can expand to the outer universe as far as the eye can see and beyond.
So with your next inhale I am going to have you take that molecule of breath, allow it to flow through your body, down to your toes and then down to the Earth. Depending on how deep your breath is it can reach the topsoil or even as far down as the mantle of the Earth.
Now the challenge is in your next breath you are going to inhale so much oxygen that you can reach the very center of the Earth. So as you are exhaling you are preparing for the gigantic inhale that you are about to take. With one, single breath you are going to pull that single molecule through your trunk of your body, down your legs, out your toes and to the central part of the Earth. Once you are at central part of the Earth you are going to sense, feel or just know that you are connected to the very core of our Mother Earth and then with your exhale you are going to follow that same path through the mantle, crust and up your toes, through your legs and on up your spine through your midriff, your chest, your neck and out through your lips.
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda O'Brien. All Rights Reserved.
Automatic Writing Meditation
Posted by
Rhonda O'Brien
Excerpt taken from His Words, channeled by Rhonda O'Brien.
Breath is a very easy tool to use to get you into a relaxed state. If you imagine that the breath that you inhale and exhale travels through your body and reaches every particle of your body you are already there. So what I suggest is that you take a deep inhale; make it last as long as you comfortably can.As you inhale imagine a single molecule of that breath, it can be a bright light, a speck or any sort of shape and form that you can easily and effortlessly imagine, going from your lips and following your trachea and going through your shoulders, down your upper arms and down your lower arms and out through your fingertips. You should then imagine following the same path as you exhale.
With the next inhale you are going to follow that molecule and make it to your neck, your shoulders, your upper chest, your heart, your lungs, your chest, your abdomen, all of your upper and lower intestines and then your reproductive organs.
The more visual you become the easier it is for you to breathe and to relax. You do not need to get too, too technical here. If you don’t know exactly where your ovaries are it is fine. The visualization part is what matters most here. Then you want to imagine that molecule traveling the same path as you exhale and release that breath.
Good job, now we are going to inhale and this time the molecule will rapidly meet your thighs and then travel all the way down to your tippy toes and then right back up. While you are doing this I want you to start thinking of the world, the universe outside of yourself and I want you to be aware of the fact that you are infinitely connected with the rest of the universe outside of yourself. This can just extend to your family and friends or it can expand to the outer universe as far as the eye can see and beyond.
So with your next inhale I am going to have you take that molecule of breath, allow it to flow through your body, down to your toes and then down to the Earth. Depending on how deep your breath is it can reach the topsoil or even as far down as the mantle of the Earth.
Now the challenge is in your next breath you are going to inhale so much oxygen that you can reach the very center of the Earth. So as you are exhaling you are preparing for the gigantic inhale that you are about to take. With one, single breath you are going to pull that single molecule through your trunk of your body, down your legs, out your toes and to the central part of the Earth. Once you are at central part of the Earth you are going to sense, feel or just know that you are connected to the very core of our Mother Earth and then with your exhale you are going to follow that same path through the mantle, crust and up your toes, through your legs and on up your spine through your midriff, your chest, your neck and out through your lips.
Good job. Now take a few more shallow breaths to catch your breath. We do not want to pass out. Okay now one more time and then that is all. What you are going to do is connect with the universe outside of yourself and you are going to do so in a manner that only draws in the positive energies that you encounter.
So I will briefly describe what it is that you are to do and then you will follow through with my instructions. So what you are going to do is let go of your breath and allow it to take its own rhythm, relax and enjoy where it can take you but now we are going to be aware of the energy and the life that this breath allows you. Imagine that seed of energy in the pit of your belly or somewhere around your center. Allow it to be a ball of light or some source of energy that feels light, free, refreshing and healing.
Imagine as you are breathing in that cool, refreshing light that that light grows and it grows and it grows as though it were a bubble or a flower or a leaf or whatever image works for you. Imagine that as you breath in and out it grows larger and larger and larger until it is flooding your whole body or being with that light. Now allow it to also grow because light attracts light and now your light is attracting all of the light and the love and the peace that is you and that surrounds you and so your entire being is encompassed by this light and due to its refractive and reflective nature that light becomes so huge that all that you are and all that surrounds you is this light. And it is you. And it is you.
Now sit back and enjoy this light. This is all of the love and the light and the joy and the peace that is you and now it also encompasses the world beyond. Now what you are going to do is draw your attention back into your body, so imagine that bright, large light that encompasses all concentrating itself into a ball about the size of your fist and as you inhale you will gradually bring that ball back and in and to your center. This can take several breaths so breathe in and follow the path through your palette, down your windpipes and on down to your center. This can take as little or as long as you feel necessary.
Now what we also need to do at this point is extinguish anything on the inside or on the outside that is not light so continue to breath in the light and ask that the light naturally follow the path to the spots or the places in your body that might need the light. Now there may not be the need for any light in any place in one’s body and so if that is the case then be grateful. As you exhale ask that the exhale bring anything that is not light to the outside of the body where it instantly becomes light in the presence of all of the light that is reflected and retracted by the light within.
So we are going to sit with this relaxation exercise for a few more minutes. (It really can last as little or as long as you would like). Typically I would wait until you are really feeling relaxed and quite removed from your worries and almost as if you are disengaged from the rambling of the mind. What you want is for the chatter to stop so the vibrations, the naturally occurring airwaves, can be received and heard by the vessel that is you.
Your hands are just like the wheels on a typewriter, they are just responding to the messages or the orders that tell them which letters to strike onto the paper that is yours. It is no more than being a transcriptionist. It is just like you are the receiver receiving the signals that are the air or radio waves.
On the count of ten we are to begin. You can begin to count slowly in your mind, when you get to three you are going to say, is “one is all and all is one,” and then with the pen or pencil in hand you will begin to write. If nothing comes to your mind then ask that the image or the sound or the mark come to you quite easily and without effort and that maybe you will or will not understand its meaning but you will appreciate all that there is.
Some of you may prefer to put your writing utensil in your other hand. This allows the thinking mind to rest as it gets over stimulated and it cannot control the mind, as it is more concerned about writing the letters or creating and its new challenges “at hand.” Whatever you do, whatever method you choose do it with relative ease. While it is tempting to expect great works of art to come through immediate effort it really is not practical to expect so much.
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda O'Brien. All Rights Reserved.
Psychic Protection Hint #2
Posted by
Rhonda O'Brien
on Sunday, May 2, 2010
Psychic Protection
We (each and every one of us) all have spirit guides whose life purpose is to guide and protect us. Use your spirit guides as often as possible.
How do you make contact with your spirit guides?
I strongly recommend reading Sonia Choquette's Ask Your Guides. She has many hints, exercises and meditations that will help you contact your guides on a regular basis.
How do you know which spirit guide you are talking to?
I often talk to my grandpa and grandma so I am already fairly familiar with their energy. My grandpa was not very talkative in real life so when he is around I either feel his hands on my shoulders and/or hear "chiropractor" (he was a chiropractor) and then I know that it is him. With my grandma I either hear the word "grandma" or I hear her voice.
I also see flashes of white lights or subtle energy patterns which make me aware that my guides are trying to talk to me.
Your guides might develop their own, individual ways of getting your attention as well.
PLEASE NOTE: it is very important to know the source of the information that you are getting. I also check the information that I get before I act on most information especially information that prompts me to "go out on a limb." I either draw from my divination cards or I ask for signs.
How do you make contact with your spirit guides?
I strongly recommend reading Sonia Choquette's Ask Your Guides. She has many hints, exercises and meditations that will help you contact your guides on a regular basis.
How do you know which spirit guide you are talking to?
I often talk to my grandpa and grandma so I am already fairly familiar with their energy. My grandpa was not very talkative in real life so when he is around I either feel his hands on my shoulders and/or hear "chiropractor" (he was a chiropractor) and then I know that it is him. With my grandma I either hear the word "grandma" or I hear her voice.
I also see flashes of white lights or subtle energy patterns which make me aware that my guides are trying to talk to me.
Your guides might develop their own, individual ways of getting your attention as well.
PLEASE NOTE: it is very important to know the source of the information that you are getting. I also check the information that I get before I act on most information especially information that prompts me to "go out on a limb." I either draw from my divination cards or I ask for signs.
Psychic Protection Hint #1
Posted by
Rhonda O'Brien
Psychic Protection
A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows. ~St. Francis of Assisi
This is the easiest and most critical piece of advice that I can give anyone who communicates with the spirit realm: surround yourself in white light. Darkness is repelled by the light. It is the perfect antidote to darkness and it is so easy.
This is the easiest and most critical piece of advice that I can give anyone who communicates with the spirit realm: surround yourself in white light. Darkness is repelled by the light. It is the perfect antidote to darkness and it is so easy.