We Are All One

Chapter taken from Light, channeled by Rhonda O'Brien

Enlightenment might mean different things for you and me but there is a common thread which connects us: we are all children waiting to be reunited with our mothers or really the source or essence of all that we are. We all crave a common identity as one, the very magical force responsible for the earth, the moon, the sun, the planets, really all that is. In terms that we can all identify with, this means that we are all secretly searching for the god or goddess within. One way or another we all know that we are, in fact, made of the same substance that our creator is made of. We are one with god, thus we are god. Although some of us seem farther and farther from this truth; we all instinctively know this truth and throughout our lifetimes we move closer and closer to knowing this and expressing it in the manner that we live our lives.

We are all one. We are all god. I could say it over and over again and you would not really hear these words, unless you were able and ready to hear them. This is a hard fact for us to face, for we often seem so far from this truth in the manner in which we progress through life. We might believe that we are fighting to get money, fighting to be heard, fighting for this or that. The reality of the situation, however, is that, with a proper world view, we begin to realize that there is enough for everyone including ourselves, that the struggle exists within ourselves. This struggle is to acknowledge the fact that everything is okay and that all will be provided us if only we let it be so. With this new, relaxed attitude we can also start to think that if the same were true for us then the same is true for others so that sharing is more of a commonality than hoarding. With this comes the unity that comes with equality. If you feel that all are your equals then how much harder is it to squash the “little” guy? It is much more difficult. Why don’t you go ahead and try to ask a colleague to go make your copies or fetch you a cup of coffee. It would take some major guts and most likely (unless you have a relationship of mutual generosity) your request would not be met with great enthusiasm.

Guess what? We are all colleagues. This caste system, these imaginary lines separating us from our friends, relatives and neighbors does nothing but separate us. Alone we cannot feel, see, believe, achieve or be as much as we can if we let those outside of ourselves (including the spirits that constantly bless us with their presence) in. If we continue to believe that one person could be or is superior to another then we neglect to see that we are all equals and so the great inequalities that we witness in and amongst our worlds continue to exist. If you are frustrated with the inequalities that you see in your life and beyond then you must first start with your mind and change it. Do you think that one person is better than another because of the job that one person possesses? Do you think that women are more capable than men? Do you believe that all politicians are crooks? Do you believe that white is better than another color: black, red, yellow or brown? If you answered, “yes,” to any of the previously mentioned questions then you, yes you, are also to blame for the inequalities that we all see and complain about so, so much. In order to see permanent and total change outside of ourselves we must first see permanent and total change from within ourselves. We cannot ask others to do what we, ourselves, are unable to do. So I suggest that each day you take a moment to honor the god or goddess in all beings, regardless of color, creed, economics, race, gender or individual behavioral patterns. In this small gesture we allow and encourage the god or goddess within to come out to play. This resounding power has lain dormant in so, so many beings because it is not allowed to play in a world laden with death and poverty and destruction. You see, the divine has no place in this world where money is more important that bugs, beasts and human beings. The divine allows the destruction to play its part: it does not interfere until it is asked to come and help to rectify the damages done by thinking that we are all separate. However, when asked, it is also quick to come to the rescue when things are not going in a manner that is beneficial to all. What we are talking about is really love. Love is the god or the goddess in all of us. It is the source that blends and molds all into one. It is powerful beyond measure and once it starts to do its thing (love any and all things and beings) it is unstoppable. So no matter how big or bad or “evil” things appear love will cure all. It is the antidote to any illness that any, and all, beings or life must face. So beware of the force of god or love it is out to get any and all things that stand in its way and nothing, yes nothing, will stop its amazing force if, and when, we allow it out and into our lives.

So I encourage any and all beings willing to risk a life of love and trust and tranquility to let the divine or the love out of its dark quarters and into your life where it can shine and help transform the destruction into the divine. Love is an amazing force without limits. You will be shocked, when you finally let it out, how much it can do with little or no effort on your part and how contagious love really is. When you give of yourself and express the love in yourself it gives again and again and again, and its range is well beyond anything that one person can witness on his or her own. I guess all that one can do is to encourage all beings to love where there is hate, to love where there is fear and know that everything, yes everything, is okay despite whatever others may say or think. We have to make this Earth okay and we will, but first we must change ourselves, our lives for the better then, and only then, can we hope to make the universe outside of ourselves okay and fertile ground for all of life. As it stands now, the Earth is losing its ability to foster any sort of life: it is drained of its life force and looking for sources to replenish this valuable energy source. We are the life source: we are capable of great destruction as well as great miracles. It is up to us to decide whether we are going to continue to deplete the Earth or whether we are going to start massive efforts to revive her.

We have many things to do, many decisions to make. Some of us have already decided. Some have come to this planet to help and to heal. These are our brothers, our sisters, our mothers and our fathers, all people that surround us who have decided to take on this problem single-handedly. They do not care whether anyone else is concerned with the well-being of the Earth, because they know that their efforts to work on themselves and beyond will someday pay off in great ways. For instance, these are the individuals involved in self-improvement who always see that things are working out exactly the way that they should. These are beings of tremendous faith who know that someday, yes some day, we will see “a place without war or conflict, a place,..” a place that John Lennon imagined in his appropriately named song, Imagine. This place is not just a figment of an individual’s mind, it is a very real possibility if only people start creating a world without conflict in their personal lives then, and only then, can we hope that the world outside of ourselves reflects this very perfection. See this as an ideal or see it as a goal; it is your choice. Let me just warn you though that many, many beings are making this a reality within their personal lives. As a result, we will see boundaries between peoples, between countries, between races, between religions, between all lives melding into one. You will see a gradual demise of the warring tribes that we have witnessed for thousands upon thousands of years. For whatever reason, people are beginning to realize that if we continue on this road, there will be nothing, yes nothing, to fight over. If war is your answer to conflict it could end up creating the destruction of all life. The presence of nuclear warfare makes mass destruction a very real consequence of people just plain not being able to get along.

So if you are at all concerned about the well-being of this Earth, I urge you to seek the peace within, from there you can do no wrong. This is truly one instance where every single person does matter in that your efforts make a great difference in the well-being of all. Remember that we are all connected and that when you cry we all cry and when you laugh we all laugh. Do it for yourself, because your life will, undoubtedly, improve for the better, but also do it for everyone and everything else in this universe. I thank you in advance for your efforts. Amen.

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda O'Brien. All Rights Reserved.


Monica Cravotta said...

Beautiful. Amazing. What a gift you are.

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