Cleansing Meditation

I am seeing that 2009, for many, is a year of getting rid of the old or what is not working and making room for what does work. Once you realize this it tends to make the shedding process a little bit easier. It is much like a snake shedding its old, out-moded skin.

I have included this meditation/cleansing exercise that I have channeled to help you through this process.

Take approximately 15 min/week to do this meditation to ease your transition into a newer, brighter you.
· Notice how you are feeling before and after this meditation.
· While focusing on how you feel create a bubble around yourself.
· Inhale d-e-e-p-l-y and exhale d-e-e-p-l-y into the bubble until you feel “empty.”
· When you feel empty ask yourself to be drawn to a part of the bubble that draws your attention.
· Focus on how you feel when near this area of the bubble. Inhale d-e-e-p-l-y and exhale fully expanding the way you feel (i.e. exaggerate that feeling as much as you can).
· Continue to d-e-e-p-l-y inhale and exhale d-e-e-p-l-y making sure to really exaggerate the way that you feel on the exhale. Do this until you feel empty (a sense of calm, peace or nothingness).
· Fill your bubble with a color, any color. Focus on how it feels to be surrounded by this color or ray of light energy. Throughout the day remember to remind yourself that you are surrounded by this ray of light energy, focusing on the color and how you feel surrounded by this bubble.
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda O'Brien. All Rights Reserved.


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