Finding My Life's Work and Its Challenges

"The summit of happiness is reached when a person is ready to be what he is." ~ Erasmus

When I started my journey I saw an image of myself on a summit of a mountain all by myself. From this I sensed that I would be a trailblazer in some regards. I understood this and accepted this from a very superficial level.

As I have progressed along my journey I know this more and more. I have always known that my experiences are different from even like-minded people. I know this, have always known this but did not, until recently realize how I hide myself because I don’t know people with similar experiences.

I have been evaluating my career as an author and intuitive and my relative lack of success and have realized that my biggest impediment to my success is this fear of being different and even crazy.

I had an epiphany while reading Harmon Bro’s Edgar Cayce on Dreams. Bro talks about how Edgar Cayce believed that spiritual gifts were often times one’s rewards for exhibiting his/her spiritual alignment. I can personally attest to this as I was recently told that by Edgar Cayce (in spirit) that he would like for me to channel a dreamworks class from him and that this was my reward for my reaction to recent challenges in my life.

Yes, 2009 was a year of many challenges. In this year of many obstacles I learned to look at challenges and challenging people with love and resolve whatever heartaches/upsets/difficult relationships that I had with love. When attacked or rejected I didn’t react negatively I responded with love. I applied love to the situation realizing that this situation was a part of me and in order to heal it I had to heal myself. I used a method that I learned about called ho’oponopono.

Knowing that this is a reward has helped me to see it in a new light. It is a gift; it is not a punishment or another experience that is different and thus isolates me from others.

I was so thrilled with this new gift; although I must admit that I struggled with how to begin such a project and with my own self-worthiness. I am now embracing it and loving every moment of it. It is my ray that gets me through my day. I cannot wait to dream for I know that there are great gifts from the subconscious and from spirit within one’s dreams.

Along with this gift, though, is coming some challenges. I am realizing that as I get further and further along this path I am confronted, like little red riding hood, with the big, bad wolf in the woods (aka myself).

I see so clearly how I cannot hide anymore; I need to be who I am and trust that I am the right path. That big, bad wolf (fear) jumps onto my path from time to time. I don’t know how to battle with him/it/me every single time. I guess that I need to just love me and trust that I will find my way and that like many people on their path I will realize that it was the right place to be at the right time even though that path can feel so lonely and scary at times.

I cannot expect people to accept me if I don’t accept myself. Yes, maybe I don’t know other people that channel books from the sources that I channel or talk to Edgar Cayce but that does not make my experiences bad and wrong. Perhaps in being on this path I will meet others like me. However, if I don’t stay on the path I will possibly not cross paths with them at all.

I must trust like I recently asked two of my clients to do. Trust I must and trust I will. I just hope that I hear my guides cheering me along my way so that I don’t give up on my journey.

Thank you for listening and thank you so much guides for being here with me and through this. Sometimes I think that you are the only ones that can relate to what I am seeing/feeling and experiencing and you know that I am all right and that it will be all right.


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